Monday, October 11, 2010

It is that time of year again!

As you all (Hen and Big Pyle) know, last year I grew a mustache in November to raise money (and get to grow facial hair at work) for Movember. Last week, I asked Kelly, the owner of my company, if I still had to wear a suit every day I grew my mustache. His response was (In Kelly Earls voice),"Why would you still want to do that?" and a few other lines about being a hippie and immature. What he didn't realize last year was that I am like a child getting their first taste of cake on their birthday. Not only do I now expect to get that cake every year but I expect for it to be bigger and better than last year's. So here we are just a few weeks away. What I am going to do this year is give the people the choice of which mustache style I go with this year. Now remember I only have 30 days to grow it so that rules out most of the cool mustaches. So these for the most part are your options, at the end of October whichever has the most votes in the comments wins.

Handle Bar
Mini Horseshoe
Full Horseshoe
I made bad life decisions


  1. Eastsiiiide!

    The toothbrush is too easy. You need to go with a pencil stache.

  2. "People are making fun of me and I don't know why."
