Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So Fresh...

A friend of mine, Brian Stewart (Taylor), recommended that I start a blog to update my facial hair growth. As I said in the email to all of you, it was probably just to get a shout out.

Well, since I referenced the Fresh Prince twice he took it upon himself to A) show me up about what real Fresh Prince style is and B) show off his photoshop skills. On top of that he beat Josh to the punch on the picture of a lion riding a horse. Then he kicked the White boys while they were down by adding an even better animal riding a horse picture.

If you are keeping score at home, it is Brian: 1 White Boys: 0 this week.

(I was referring to the inside-out jacket but whatever Brian...)

(Would finding this really have been that hard Josh?)

(There is nothing funny to say here.)

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