Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gaining Momentum (word play, get it?)

Well, it’s the end of week 2 and I am still going strong. This morning was the first official time I have been able to hold liquid in the ol’ stache. A few of you have already donated and my cousin Rob has started a moustache (mustache from now on) of his own. I halfway expected my brothers and dad to get involved but at Dennis Bros. it is No Shave November so I understand them going full beard. Plus, Andy looks creepy enough and doesn’t need to frighten Bear with a gross mustache (I put thought into which brother to insult, maybe next time Ben and Josh).

Check out movember.com for any information on donating.

Send me your pictures if you are growing a mustache now or ever. I think everyone enjoys a good ‘80s mustache picture.

Here is my progress this week (in order from bottom to top).

(Fresh Prince style.)

(Nobody said a word about this giant fish.)

(Josh if you even read my emails send me a picture of a lion riding a horse. It is out there...)

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